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Grow up with Changjiang CorporationTogether

Date:2012-08-07 16:13:22Hits:2842font-size:T|T
As the 20th anniversary of company is drawing near, all kinds of celebration activities is starting successively.
The twenty years of development of Changjiang and every step of Changjiang closely benefits from the contribution and wisdom, consideration and support of everyone. As the 10 anniversary is coming up, the committee of activities announces the contribution invited.
The topic of the invited article: Gratitude, Cohesion, Innovation
Please state the thinking of cooperation and work on joining in the construction of Changjiang from multiple perspectives and show up the topic of Gratitude, Cohesion and Innovation.
The requirements of the article:
1.The content of the article should be positive. All types of article are acceptable. The article should be fluent, profound and be full of real feeling.
2.The number of the article is within 1500 words. It must be original. Copy and fix others’ article is forbidden. Please reserve your draft.
Delivery notes:
Please send your invited article to email:lanjinlin1988@163.com , remark celebration for 20th anniversary contribution invited in the headline of email and remark name, position and telephone number.
Starting time and deadline of the activity:
2012-3-20 to 2012-5-28
The reward notes:
1. The contribution invited activity is one of the series of activities on celebration for 20th anniversary.
2. The expert committee will be set up for the activity. They will assess the article according to the idea and art value following the principle of being fair, impartial and open. The excellent article will be rewarded.
3. We will set up the first, second, third prize and several prizes for good articles. The winners will be awarded the certificates.